Our new APL-C-900 ECT research system has just been upgraded and the performance specification updated. Contact us to get a copy.
APL-C-900 Base System
The APL-C-900 base system is required for all Atout ECT systems. It incorporates the power supply and ethernet communication bus and includes the control PC (laptop) and the powerful range of APL software including:
Data acquisition (real-time) software:
• multi-frequency operation 1MHz, 2.5MHz, 5 MHz square wave,
• acquire and display capacitances in fF in real-time,
• save data in .bcp format and .csv format,
• capable of undertaking calibration in rig without sensor removal,
• save and load calibration files as required.
Data analysis software:
• able to read .bcp files and display images and time series data,
• capable of calculating permittivity, concentration and density from capacitance images,
• undertake cross-correlation between user-specified zones, plot velocity in each plane,
• built-in permittivity to concentration models to include parallel, series, maxwell and extended maxwell-wagner-sillars,
• output time-series and zonal data to .csv format.
Flow rate calculation can be made using cross-correlation between zones in two planes, output in two-phase flows to include average concentration, velocity and volumetric flow rate.
Ambient temperature rating | 5C to 45C |
Communication | Ethernet |
Power consumption | 100W approx from 240AC supply |