Multiphase Flow Research

Industrial flow processes
Non-intrusive electromagnetic imaging and measurement techniques such as Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT), are being used today to gain a better understanding of multiphase flows. Atout offers ECT systems for multiphase flow structure research.
- Laboratory research systems for imaging and tomography
- Electronic Sight Glass
- Wet gas liquid loading
- Steam quality
- Oil/gas flow structure measurement
- Flow loop test control systems
- MPFM calibration references
- Flow Measurement and Instrumentation Vol 66, April 2019 (2018) Identification of horizontal slug flow structures for application in selective cross-correlation metering
- IEEE Sensors Journal vol. 19, issue 1, (2018) Evaluation of Near-Field Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness at Low Frequencies
- 7th Biennial ASME Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis 2004 – Manchester UK – Visualisation of two-phase gas-liquid pipe flow using electrical capacitance tomography.
- Thorn R., Huang S.M., Xie C.G., Salkeld J.A., Hunt A., and Beck M.S. (1990) Flow imaging for multi-component flow measurement. Flow Meas. Instr. 2, Oct 1990